Kabouterberg is a public forest that you can freely access from sunrise to sunset. In this wooded environment with sand and dune ridges, children can climb, crawl and play in the sand to their hearts content. For as long as we can remember, the inhabitants of Kasterlee have been telling stories and sagas about gnomes (kabouters). And those gnomes happen to live at Kabouterberg in Kasterlee!!! A mapped 1-km walk will take children between the ages of 3 and 7 to several great locations (e.g. a maze, sand plain, aerial roots, stage). Blue-and-yellow gnomes will show you the way. Several times the sand and forest trails go up a steep incline, which makes the walk difficult or inaccessible to strollers and wheelchairs.
Free parking is possible at the start (Kabouterstraat in Kasterlee). Here you will also find a sanitary building with womens, mens and childrens toilets. There is also a changing table in one, more spacious toilet.